~Crystal Directory~

Here you will find a list of crystals and a brief description of their benefits. You can find more information on any specific crystal by going to your local library, crystal shop, or using your favorite search engine. :)

  • Amazonite- Helps with speaking the truth, loving unconditionally, peace, and understanding, integrity, forgiveness, prosperity, protecting against negative emotions.
  • Amethyst- Balances emotions, promotes love, protects, promotes spirituality, aids headaches, enhances visualization, also can aid with sleep and dreaming.
      • Aventurine- enhances prosperity and creativity, helps to maintain a positive attitude, heals the heart, settles nausea, and reduces cell phone emissions.
      • Blue Tigers Eye-  Reduces stress, eases your anxieties, increases your calm and relaxation. Helps one to see the issues that might have been hard to see otherwise. It gives insight to your internal struggles and emotional issues. Helps one to go with the flow and not be uptight. Harnessing the energies of Blue Tigers Eye will enhance one's psychic abilities. It will boost your gifts such as clairvoyance, remote viewing, and astral travel. This stone will remove any type of creative blocks and boosts one's creativity. Blue Tigers Eye will help you come up with new ideas and concepts. This stone is associated with the throat chakra, and it energies will foster effective communications. This stone can also ease eye problems, fortify the blood, and increase physical strength and vitality. 
      •  Bumblebee Agate- Enables you to accept change, find new opportunities, increases your self esteem, and make decisions without relying on emotions.  It also has the ability to alleviate abdominal issues, help with allergies, and helps with disorders of the nervous system and circulatory system. 
      • Carnelian- Boosts confidence and the power of true expression. It is known as the stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage. 
  • Green Calcite- Brings a renewed sense of purpose, vitality and desire to make positive change in ones life. It encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and it bring softness to the heart. Radiates calming energies, removing any stagnant energy in your home. It is a energy amplifier and cleaner. it can help to restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit. It works with the heart chakra to bring emotional balance and relieve any stress you may feel. Green Calcite can help to draw in money and prosperity to your door step. it dissolves old energy patterns or belief systems to help you let goo of what no longer serves you. 
  • Howlite- Increases memory, teaches patience, cools rage and anger, engenders a desire for knowledge. It dispels selfishness and facetiousness. It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the teeth, bone structure, and soft tissues. 
  • Jasper-Helps with manifestation, balancing energies of excess addiction, obsessive compulsive behaviors, grounding, and stability. 
  • Labradorite- Reduces fear and insecurities. Regulates the metabolism, balances hormones, inspires the imagination. 
  • Lava Stone- A grounding stone that strengthens ones connection to mother earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to "bounce back."
  • Malachite- Called the stone of transformation, it helps bring energy and focus to new growth, Assist in changing situations and providing spiritual growth. Heals on physical and emotional levels.
  • Obsidian- Grounding stone. Aura cleansing. Helps to release anger and resentment. Protects against negative energy. 
  • Onyx- Grounding stone. absorbs excessive sexual desires. It improves harmony in intimate relationships, improving self control calming worry and tension. Helps with nightmares. This stone works well with Carnelian and Agate. 
      • Quarts- Amplifies energy, stimulates inspiration, reduces fear. This stone amplifies any other stone that you place it with. 
      • Rose Quartz- Compassion, kindness, unconditional love, self love, emotional healing, joy, peace, playfulness, and self forgiveness. 
          • Selenite- Keeps away negative influences, draws spiritual energies to create a safe and sacred place. 
          • Sodalite- Natural amplifier. Helps with speaking personal truth, communicating effectively, emotional balance, connection to intuition, and spiritual guidance. Works well with Amethyst. 
  • Tigers eye- Self expression, self worth, self esteem, self definition, self love, self concept, self criticism, manifesting goals
  • Turquoise- Associated with personal protection. A good luck charm for health and abundance. Use this stone to realign your energy centers to help clear the path to a higher consciousness. 
  • Unikite- Brings ones consciousness to the present. Balances the emotional body bringing it into alignment with the higher forces of spirituality. Helps to release conditions which have been inhibiting ones growth.